~ Not all youngsters are ready for tournaments.

I went to the Birthday party for my student Mitchell today – and THIS was his Birthday cake! WOW! Now that is a Birthday cake for a serious chess player! If you need/want to know who the artist is that produced this Birthday Cake then here you go:
Business office:
387 N 2nd Avenue, Unit 1G
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: 602.300.2625
And don’t forget to save me a slice of cake! : P – Coach Sean.
For those of you not in the know Dionisio Aldama is the second highest rated player in Arizona – as of this writing his rating is 2519 USCF Standard. He is probably as strong as most Grandmasters are – minus the G and the M in front of his name. During the final round of the most recent edition of the weekly Friday Night Adult Action chess tournament, held down at the Chess Emporium, I had the pleasure of watching Dionisio sacrifice his Queen - to force checkmate. A sure sign of chess artistry.
If you are looking for an opportunity to play Dionisio then you have your chance this Sunday – the 17th of January – as he will be giving a 12 board clock Simultaneous Exhibition at the Paradise Valley Mall Borders Bookstore. The fun starts at 2PM and continues until around 8PM that evening and the entry fee is $5.00 – paid to the man with a plan – Dionisio Aldama. You will have 30 minutes to match wits with one of the nations top players – and he will have only 30 minutes to move back and forth from board to board as he gives lessons to one and all takers. This is a benefit to help support one of our strongest players – so be there or be square!
To warm up for the clock Simultaneous Exhibition Chess Match this Sunday here is a tactic from one of Dionisio’s games played this past Friday night down at the Chess Emporium. I am saving his Queen Sac game for a club lesson! This game didn’t last long – he takes the measure of a 2150 rated player in only 16 moves! In fact when I played over the game I had to sit there for a minute or two before it dawned on my why the player of the white pieces was resigning his game. Enjoy this little gem brought to you by the letter D as in Dionisio!
As Sherlock Holmes might say “Elementary, my dear Dr Watson”
But as all chess players know – the devil of a combination is hidden in all of those chess board details!
Ok, so let us talk about the extremely complicated position position up above for just a little bit. For the 16th move Dionisio's opponent has played his Knight to the e5-square. Why was 16. Ne5 such a big mistake? Hmm....
HINT #1: Forcing moves help clarify the chess board chaos. Captures are forcing - especially when they threaten a more valuable piece. No moves threaten the White Monarch here - so threaten something else.
HINT #2: The main sting in the tail of the combination is the Queen forking move played at the end of it all. The lady knows how to dance on the dance floor - even when looking over at the opposing King's door.
HINT #3: In all lines White losses a piece - or more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we would never resign our games during Ladder time or at Scholastic Chess Tournaments - but for players at this level who can use a little something called "technique" then an early resignation is an acceptable way to bow out of the game gracefully. I myself never resign and force my opponents to show me the quickest win. If they cannot do this then maybe I save half a point - or even win the game!
See you this Sunday at the Simul or for our next exciting meeting of the Geckos Chess Club! – Coach Sean Tobin.